Pulp Horn Amputation
Today’s case is a 11 year old patient with a big caries on the second maxillary molar referred to me to save the tooth. My duty as endodontist is not only providing root canal treatments but also preserving teeth from them too.
In this particularly case I performed a pulp horn amputation.
These are the steps taken:
– Rubber dam isolation.
– Microscope magnification.
– Manual removal of the soft dentin with excavator.
– Pulp horn amputation.
– Disinfected and rinsed with NaOCl from “outside” to achieve haemostasis.
– Dried with sterile cotton pellets.
– Bioceramic capping.
– Direct glass ionomer as temporally filling on top.
Dentistry today is about the small details.
PhD. MSc. Dr. Pablo Salmeron.