The 4th canal in the second maxillary molar
One of the most important things in Endodontics is planification, for that, we need to have an excellent knowledge of the pulp chamber anatomy as well as the different variants in configurations of the root canal system anatomy. Nowadays, and according to the American Association of Endodontists, the use of the CBCT is a standard in our field. This tool, allow us to see the tooth in a 3D model, and check the anatomy from every angle.
On the next case, I completed a root canal treatment in a second maxillary molar, almost the last tooth! the complexity of the case was the minimal mouth aperture of the patient and the tricky root canal anatomy with these 4 canals. Planning the cases before, allow me to do the treatments in a shorter and safer way.
PhD. MSc. Dr. Pablo Salmeron.
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